ABB Formula E Championship Promotional Film
I was brought on board at Chapter 3 Graphics to lead the design/animation team on this Formula E promotional project. I was responsible for setting the design and animation style as well as creating schedules, tasks, workflows and creative consulation to the management team at Chapter 3. We had a limited amount of time to put together a 1 minute full CG film to kick off the 2020 Formula E season. The brief was to incorporate Formula E branded cars within a pinball machine showcasing the speed, style, and feeling of a Formula E event.

Executive Creative Director: Richard Gort
Exectutive Producer: Laura McManamon
Producer: Claire Selim
Creative Director: William Butcher
Lead Artist: Nick Lyons
Lead Compositor: Peter Eszenyi
Designers/Animators: Sam Munnings, Duncan Tune, Charlotte Quillet, Murat Kilic
Editor: Chapter 3 Editorial Team